Tuesday, March 31st

World back-up day sales

For those of you who don’t know, Tuesday, March 31st is World Back-Up Day. A day, just like any other, with some nice sales thrown out there on hard drives and other storage devices. For storage geeks like myself, it’s nice to see all the sales going on, although it’s not as much fun when the country is going through a pandemic and your being extremely careful with how you spend every dollar. The good thing is, I have an excellent back-up system in place as well as well as a 10Gbe network for accessing it. I also have more than enough external drives, both SSD and HDD. For those who have been looking to upgrade their back-up system or simply just their external hard drives or RAID arrays, March 31st is one of the best days that you’ll find for sales to do so.

Unless you have a very sound understanding of data backup and storage solutions, I highly suggest reading my SSD vs. HDD article from a few months ago, or the 3-2-1 RULE that I wrote for SLR Lounge. It’s packed full of good nuggets of info to help with decision making when it comes to all of this data back-up along with a diagram of my own storage network. If you’ve read it and still have a question or two regarding what to invest your money in or simply what I would suggest, please leave a comment at the bottom or shoot me an email.
